How Social Media Engagement would benefit small businesses in long term

Social Media has pushed the boundaries of marketing and set a new standard. Small businesses are extensively using the social media to generate new sales, increase brand awareness and improve their marketing campaign. Every present and new business wants to leverage the power of social media. Social media is constantly evolving and adapting to newer methods of technology and it might be counterproductive as to suggest that social media gets better in the long term than in the short term.

Let us explain and help you understand how.

Social media engagement is very crucial. It is all about connecting with customers, interacting with them, building relationships and maintaining the same.

A proper social media engagement will build and construct the following:

  • Customer trust: Increased engagement leads to better customer service. Customer service leads to trust. People will trust your brand because of your active customer engagement on social media and also they will feel free to approach you when required.

  • Reputation: Small businesses are aware of the cost of reputation. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” ~ Warren Buffett. A good social profile will naturally build a good reputation considering all factors remain constant.

  • Sales: Your creative pursuits in social media will really make customers purchase more products from your company. People like to participate and interact with brands. This is the reason there are so many brands on social media. When people feel emotionally connected to the brand, they are more likely to stay loyal and purchase the products frequently.

  • Action: A long-term approach to social media will not only increase your engagement but also stabilise yourself and remain dominant in that channel.

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As you can observe, National Geographic has the most followers in Instagram. This is an example of pure social media engagement.
People follow, comment, like and share them as much as possible. It is not because your brand is great, the only reason they do it is because it appeals to them very much. It connects with them emotionally.

(Video Link -

That above video is a great example of real emotional messages that get to people. This will inspire people to act and push forward.

  • Products: It will be easy for small businesses to launch products as well as even easier to really create and start a trend if there is good social engagement. Lot of brands have been in the social limelight for the wrong reasons and very few of them for the right reasons. Therefore, it is important as to how you present your brand on social media.

Thus, these are some ways a good social media engagement will help you in the long-run.